As indicated in yesterdays post today started off rough. After getting to sleep around 3am I woke feeling very sorry for myself just before 9. I hurried to the conference to catch the morning keynote from the FBI deputy director on the cyber landscape.
After the first session I returned back to my hotel to top up on fluids and have a nap. The map ended up being longer than planned but I did feel a lot better for it.
The afternoon keynote was GaryVee (Gary Vaynerchuk). He lived up to the hype and was very motivational. The best take away I got from him was:
- Hire fast
- Fire faster
- Promote fastest
Basically stop wasting time on your hiring process because your still going to make mistakes regardless, trust your gut and exit someone sooner rather than letting issues become the normal and drop this concept everyone has to do the slog before they get promoted. If someone is excellent they will do you more good in a role with more autonomy.

The rest of the day was more of the tech product demos that I won’t go into detail here. If you’ve read this far I’ll try to keep you awake.
The final piece was the closing party with special guest SHAQ!!!

I was lucky enough to be right in the front row. He is a massive presence. What a unit!