Today we continued our road trip down to Hamilton, Ontario.
Much like yesterday most of the day was spent in the car looking at the endless straight roads, trees of many colours, beautiful lakes and travelling around 120km per hour on the freeways. We did stop at an interesting looking road stop in Port Severn to get lunch, and again for petrol. Apart from that, and the what we assume are going to be very expensive Toll Fees going through Toronto, we arrived in the Hamilton area without too much difficulty.
Here… we hit traffic. After adding about 30 minutes to our journey ,we finally made it to our hotel.
We decided to head out to one of the malls in the general area for the afternoon so Chris could pick himself up a birthday present. Then a local Indian restaurant for dinner, and a visit to a local Dollarama (so Danielle could pick up supplies to protect her precious Maple Syrup going home) and a visit to a Walmart just for fun. Gots to experience the North American culture.
Sorry, not very interesting for today. Tomorrow we celebrate our friend Jo and her partner Bradley at their wedding. Congratulations Jo & Bradley,
Until tomorrow,
Chris & Danielle