Today was our last day in the Ontario area. We had our usual breakfast in the hotel and packed up our bags in preparation for both our flight today, and our long flights home later this week.
Our location map for this trip is really spreading out now! (Location Map)

After we packed up and checked out, we slowly made our way north along Lake Ontario , stopping at a couple of places to walk along a boardwalk, or through a park around Oakville. Though it is still cold, it was a lovely sunny day and it was nice to be out in the sun.

As we discovered previously, things don’t tend to be open in the Toronto area on a Monday, so the couple of things we could have gone to see were closed.

After a leisurely lunch at Hangry Pirate, a not so short visit to Best Buy (or so according to Danielle) and a very busy gas station, we said goodbye to our faithful rental car and dropped our bag off for our flight. Unfortunately, the Air Canada lounge was over capacity, so it took a while to get in.

Our 5 hour flight to Vancouver was both long and uneventful, though it did take a good hour to get going. First there were maintenance delays, then boarding delays and then ‘unforeseen customer service’ delays (whatever they are) (We think someone threw up on someone else..) But we finally arrived at 9.30pm local time, 12.30am Toronto time. We keep telling ourselves that this will help with the jet lag at home, we are 3 hours closer to the NZ time zone.
Not many days left now…
Chris & Danielle