Day 5 & 6 from Dan – Traveling

travelling healthy

Traveling is exciting, but whether you’re organizing an active vacation or a relaxing trip to the beach, plan ahead with an eye toward travel health. Knowing what to pack and other ways to prepare can ensure trip safety. Healthy travel also means taking certain precautions once you arrive at your destination. Remember that protecting your health is always important, even when you’re on a carefree getaway, read more about Carbofix.

Get Any Needed Immunizations

get immunizations before travel

If you’re embarking on an international journey, the right immunizations are essential for healthy travel to protect you from diseases, many of which are not threats within the United States. The exact vaccinations necessary will depend on the country you are visiting, but you may need shots for yellow or typhoid fever, rabies, or hepatitis A or B, among others, to promote travel health. Schedule an appointment with your doctor well in advance of your trip — a minimum of six weeks — in case any needed immunization requires more than one shot and one visit. For more information visit

Protect Yourself With Insurance

get travelers insurance

If you’re leaving the country, call your health insurance company before you go to check on your international coverage. If your insurance doesn’t cover you outside of the United States, find out if you can get a temporary policy to protect you in case of a travel emergency. Of course, you want to practice trip safety to reduce your chances of needing to use your insurance, but being prepared just in case can bring you peace of mind and enable you to better enjoy your active vacation.

Pack a First Aid Kit

first aid kit

To ensure trip safety, packing a first-aid kit is a must. Essentials include a pair of tweezers, small scissors or clippers, a thermometer, bandages, and antibiotic ointment to address for minor mishaps that threaten travel health. Sunscreen, hand sanitizer and hand wipes, a tube of hydrocortisone cream for itchy skin reactions, and blister pads (should a blister pop up after walking, for instance) are all smart items to have in your kit. Your contingency plan might also call for bringing basics like a pain reliever, allergy relief, cold and cough medicine, an anti-diarrheal, and motion sickness medication. For more information about healthy treatments and supplements visit Exipure site.

Carry On all Prescriptions

prescription medications

All prescription drugs and any over-the-counter medications that you take regularly must travel with you. These are the priority items for your carry-on bag and should not be trusted to checked luggage that can get lost. Bring more than you’ll need in case your return home is delayed. For travel health, it’s also a good idea to have a written prescription for each drug with other important papers you carry, in case you need to refill any meds in an emergency.

Fend Off Airplane Germs

avoid germs on airplanes

Healthy travel can be a challenge when you’re flying to your destination surrounded by coughing travelers. Cabin air can trap germs, and if you’re sandwiched between people sneezing on you, it’s hard to escape them. For travel health, wash your hands frequently or use a hand sanitizing gel if you can’t get to the lavatory. Try to keep your hands away from your mouth, and ask your seatmate to cover her mouth or nose if she feels a cough or sneeze coming on. While traveling on the plane you may experiment some temporal hearing loss, if it persist treat it with these Exipure reviews.

Prevent Jet Lag

avoid alcohol to prevent jet lag

Traveling long distances can leave your body confused if you change time zones. For healthy travel and to avoid jet lag, try to follow your new time zone as quickly as possible. Exposing yourself to sunlight can help your body adjust, and practice healthy travel tips like getting regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding alcohol to ward off jet lag.

Watch What You Eat

don't eat from street vendors when travelling

Your travel health can be put in jeopardy by eating improperly cooked foods. Only eat at clean, reputable restaurants, never from a street vendor, and make sure that all foods are completely and thoroughly cooked to kill parasites and prevent traveler’s diarrhea. When it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables in foreign countries, eat only those you can peel — avoid the skins. Drink only bottled water — use it to brush your teeth, too — and skip the ice unless you’re positive it was made from bottled water.

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