Current Location: Just departed MSP on route to Detroit (no this was not on our orignal plan)
Some housekeeping, if you have been picking this up from Facebook, we don’t always republish on Facebook so you can always visit to get all of our blog or check our location. You can also view all the posts from this trip here:
You have heard from Danielle over the last few days which has saved me writing blog posts! I wanted to share my take on Minnesota. I know this is possibly going to sound like a ‘paid endorsement’ is not. People often ask us why on earth are you going to visit Minnesota? The truth of the mater is we simply love it. Many of you will have visited the USA and will have your own view on the place. Putting aside the current political climate its very important to realise that each state can be almost like a different country.
In our experience the people of Minnesota are warm and while this wasn’t the reason we first visited (we were looking for a white Christmas) it sure is one of the main reasons we keep coming back. This trip, Mike and Dorothy once again were most welcoming and made sure I got my fill of buffalo burger again. (if you ever get the chance to try a burger made from buffalo I would strongly recommend it)
It is a very very pretty place if you like snow!
Downtown Minneapolis has something I personally find fascinating, a system of interconnecting climate controlled walkways that connect 80 blocks of the city so you can walk between most building in the downtown area without ever stepping outside. Last night we wanted to visit Target and Danielle asked if she would need her boots… Little did she realise I had no intention of going outside! From the Hilton we were able to get to Target via bout 15 other buildings and countless over the road skyway paths. It is just amazing. I will find some links to information on the city ‘ hamster tubes’ for further reading.
If a city wants to cut down on traffic and stay ‘green’ look no further than Minneapolis! The only think I can say is the maps and signage for the skyway system really need to be updated. The locals have a bit of a love hate relationship with the Skyway however it helps keep Minneapolis one of the fittest city’s in the USA.