As we will be spending most of today traveling, I thought we might get a jump on the blog for tomorrow. This morning we woke with the sun in Niagara falls and were treated to a magnificent sunrise (see pic).
Current location:
Neither of us slept great so we decided to forgo the Hilton Honours free breakfast and hit the road. We had a good run north to Toronto and found a Starbucks drive thru which provided much needed coffee.
We returned the rental car without any problems and found the cold even in the rental lot to be extreme (-7 degrees C) . I was sad to say goodbye to the mighty Volvo I had been driving it was loaded with tech and even had a pilot assist mode where it would steer and keep within its lane on the ‘motorway’ given I find myself always to far right the car actually had better lane placement that I did.
We then checked in for our United flight back to Houston. I had to explain the terms of our airfare to the staff at checking as they wanted to charge us an extra $250 for baggage. After much key bashing and a few phone calls it was decided that we were right, and we would not be paying for extra baggage. United then upgraded us for our flight across to Houston which was nice of them! Our good luck then continued when we were queue jumped into a private security lane where we were able to clear Canadian airport security / x-ray then USA customs without any problems.
We had a few snacks in the Air Canada Maple lounge as we found it before a united lounge. That brings you all up-to-date in real time. We hopefully will get a part 2 Done before we depart Houston for our 15 hour flight back to NZ. So far we have been on the go for only 6.5 hours so we still good about life 😉
Chris & Dan