Day 27 – Chris – Bye North America

Today was a case of hurry up and wait. After spending the morning catching up on some life admin I decided to change my plans and actually go into San Francisco.

Turns out i’m almost as bad as Danielle at doing nothing!

From the Hotel I ubered to the nearest BART station. If you have an iPhone you can simply go to ’wallet’ then add a virtual clipper card to your phone. Very handy.

I then caught the BART into Embarcadero Station. From here I walked the waterfront along to fisherman’s wharf and beyond.

I was just admiring an old submarine when an airshow started!

After a very enjoyable time wandering around and people watching it was time to return to the airport.

The flight was full so no upgrade to business this time around, but a last minute gate upgrade to Premium economy was very welcome. Leg room!

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