Day 15 – PEI day 3

Morning all

Yesterday was a bit of a relaxing day for us (“finally” Chris says) as we had nothing specific planned.  And so, we decided to go exploring the eastern side of the Island.

Our reason for going East?  We found New Zealand!  The roads were crappy and there was no one there but a John Deere tractor next to the barn.  Sounds like home. There are lots of little areas around the island, all named, but with no shops or anything resembling a town, only houses.  But at least home was nice and close! lol

After we found New Zealand we travelled to the eastern most point and then followed the road around to a place named Saint Peters Bay and onto Morell for lunch (at the only place except for a gas station that was open). Lunch was good though and PEI fries tasted suspiciously like Kumara and not potato.

Back to the hotel for a relaxing afternoon reading and in the spa before heading out to Charlottetown mall to see what they have.  Apart from a Michael Hill, not much.

Onto Toronto today for our last couple of days.

See you all soon

Chris & Dan


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