Day 16 – Travel and Niagara Falls

Good morning from Niagara Falls!

Yesterday we left PEI to fly to Toronto.  Nothing interesting about this flight, and it was only 15 minutes delayed.  Lucky, we planned to leave yesterday though as another storm was hitting the island last night and who knows when we would have gotten out again.

We landed in Toronto and hired our last car to drive south to the falls. 

What a sight!

There are two falls; the US falls and the Horseshoe or Canadian falls.  The roar from the falling water is just unbelievable!

We checked into our hotel where we had booked a room on the 59th floor.  From up here you can see both falls but they look quite small from so high up.  But you can still hear the roar of the water.

Went exploring last night to see what our hotel connects with, this being the casino across the road with lots of shops and food places.

No fireworks this time of year, but the falls are lit up pretty colours!

Our plan to explore more tomorrow – our last full day of holiday

Until then

Chris & Dan


2 thoughts on “Day 16 – Travel and Niagara Falls

  1. Dorothy finally gave me your blog address. Enjoyed reading it, and, as a former English teacher, I commend you both on your writing. Sorry to hear about your … um… “adventures” after you left Minnesota. Couple more trips like that and you might find snow not quite so enchanting and pretty. Well, you’re obviously making the best of it. Continued safe travels.

  2. I just finish reading your blog from beginning to end. I enjoyed all of it. You did have adventures with all the delays, missed luggage and so forth. We really enjoyed seeing the two of you. Your pictures that are posted are great . It gives us a feel of your travels. I hope and pray that the rest of the trip is uneventful and you get to Keri Keri safely. Dorothy

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