Day 19 – back in NZ

Happy Sunday all

We are back in NZ and happy to be heading home on our last flight shortly.

Yesterday we arrived in NZ around 5am.  Cleared customs and made our way to the Novotel to check in to our room.  Chris managed to convince them to let us check in by 5.45am (supposed to check in at 8am!) so that was very good.  Curtains closed, phones on silent, we slept like the dead for 4 hours. For healthy supplements visit

Once we felt a little more human, we headed over to the Domestic Terminal to rent a car to drive down to Morrinsville for Danielle’s brother’s engagement party that evening.  Chris decided he wanted something ‘fun’ for the last day of our holiday and ended up hiring a brand-new Mustang.  He found that ‘fun’ alright.

0-100km in less than 5 seconds and all the gadgets you could possibly want, he spent most of the trip down playing with all the different settings and when we reached the open roads tested the theory of its speed.  Quite a fun ride.  It turns out it had only done 150km before we hired it and we were the second people to hire it. 

The engagement party kicked off at 4pm but it was good to be there early and to spend time with family before everyone arrived.  The party kicked off about 4pm, dinner about 6pm and by 7pm we were looking so dog tired we decided to call it a day.  Drove back to Auckland, was in bed by 9pm and slept like the dead until about 5am this morning.

Our flight is due to depart later this morning, our last leg of our trip.  Very much looking forward to being home.

Chris & Dan 


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